Invited Talks
Barbara Ericson
University of Michigan
Deborah Trytten
University of Oklahoma
Vance Ricks
Northeastern University
Eleanor O’Rourke
Northwestern University
Mia Minnes
University of California, San Diego
Diana Franklin
University of Chicago
Philip Ritchey
Texas A&M University
Eric Shaffer
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
June 5, 2023
Morning Session
Time | Presenter | Talk title |
10:00 AM | Invited talk: Barbara Ericson | Free Ebooks For Computer Science with Support for Active Learning: Parsons problems, Peer Instruction, and POGIL. (slides) |
10:30 AM | Ellen Spertus | Innovative Applications of a Gradescope Autograder (slides) |
10:45 AM | Geoffrey Challen | Guided by Complexity: Automated Code Quality Feedback in CS1 (slides) |
11:00 AM | Andy Gunawardena | Integration of curated videos to in-person CS courses (slides) |
11:15 AM | Tisha Brown-Gaines | Digital Storytelling Reimagined: A Framework for Data Literacy and Interdisciplinary Learning in K-12 Classrooms (slides) |
11:30 AM | Invited talk: Philip Ritchey | Autograding Programming Assignments with Gradescope (slides) |
12:00 PM | Break: break out rooms, bring your own lunch |
Afternoon Session
Time | Presenter | Talk title |
1:00 PM | Invited talk: Eleanor O’Rourke | Why Do Students Think They’re Bad at Programming? Understanding and Supporting Motivation and Learning in CS1 (slides) |
1:30 PM | Ana Smaranda Sandu | Challenging students’ understanding of the role of theory in Computer Science (slides) |
1:45 PM | Margaret Ellis & Hande Fenerci Soysal | Assessing the Motivational Climate in Computer Science Courses to Broaden Participation |
2:00 PM | Mark Liffiton & Brad Sheese | CodeHelp: Individual Support for Student Learning Using Large Language Models (slides) |
2:15 PM | Victor Zhao & Mariana Silva | Empowering Students through Flexible Deadlines in Formative Assessments |
2:20 PM | Hia Ghosh | Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching Neurodivergent Populations in Computer Science |
2:25 PM | Walter Schilling | An Analysis of Security Coverage in ABET Accredited Software Engineering and Computer Science Programs (slides) |
2:30 PM | Invited talk: Mia Minnes | Lost in the crowd, rising above it, or somewhere in the middle? (slides) |
June 6, 2023
Morning Session
Time | Presenter | Talk title |
10:00 AM | Invited talk: Diana Franklin | Designing Positive, Engaging K-12 Outreach Experiences |
10:30 AM | Parsa Rajabi | Investigating the Impact of an Intro Computer Science Course on Students’ Computational Thinking Skills (slides) |
10:35 AM | Max Fowler & Kathleen Isenegger | Designing a CS+X survey course for high school students (slides) |
10:40 AM | Wen-Jung Hsin & Yongzhi Wang | Broadening Student Learning in a CS Course using ChatGPT |
10:45 AM | Fraida Fund | Using experimental research infrastructure in the CS classroom (slides) |
11:00 AM | Yongwhan Lim | Competitive Programming |
11:15 AM | Jacqueline Smith | TA Training on a Budget (slides) |
11:30 AM | Invited talk: Eric Shaffer & Shresta Bangaru | Team project courses: How they fail… and not fail |
12:00 PM | Break: break out rooms, bring your own lunch |
Afternoon Session
Time | Presenter | Talk title |
1:00 PM | Invited talk: Vance Ricks | Analyzing Values in Design: Ethics Modules in a CS Curriculum (slides) |
1:30 PM | Rachel Zhou, Luc Paquette, Geoffrey Challen | The Dynamic Evolution of Student Preferences Towards Instructors in a CS1 Course: A Clickstream Data Analysis (slides) |
1:45 PM | Kathleen Isenegger | Communicating Opportunities for Social Impact in Computing to Broaden Participation (slides) |
2:00 PM | Cazembe Kennedy & Oluwafemi Osho | Characterizing Inclusive Strategies that Retain Black Students in Computer Science to Graduation and Beyond |
2:15 PM | Vidushi Ojha & Christopher Perdriau | Broadening Participation in AI and Cybersecurity (slides) |
2:30 PM | Invited talk: Deborah Trytten, Noemi Mendoza Diaz, Russ Meier | Integrating programming into introduction to engineering exacerbates existing inequities (slides) |
Organizing Committee
Yael Gertner
Teaching Assistant Professor
University of Illinois
Brad Solomon
Teaching Assistant Professor
University of Illinois
Luther Tychonievich
Teaching Associate Professor
University of Illinois
Michael Nowak
Teaching Assistant Professor
University of Illinois